Embodying Love and Power
with Young African Women

Strengthening Communities through Leadership & Action


Despite notable progress in global, regional and national legal human rights instruments, women and girls rights face severe threats across the globe. Religious fundamentalism,economic injustice, weak implementation of policies and  shrinking civic and political spaces are driving a backlash on women and girls rights.

Our Story

We are a young feminist organization that exists to connect with and support young African women and girls to reinforce their place as leaders driving transformative change in their communities and beyond. We ride on the shoulders of feminist trailblazers that came before us and we honor that gift while re-imagining new ways of being. We are dedicated to strengthening and amplifying the voice, visibility and their collective power for a just and sustainable world. We are creating safe and joyful spaces where we collectively interrogate, reflect and co-create strategies on Sexual and Reproductive Justice (SRJ) and Climate Justice.


A world where every woman and girl has a voice, agency, resources and opportunities they need to thrive in dignity and wellbeing free from all forms of injustice.


We inspire action through co-creation of opportunities that enable women and girls to flourish.

Our Values

We acknowledge the complex and interconnected forms of oppression faced by women and girls. Our values are deeply entrenched in feminist principles guided by the Charter of  Feminist Principles for African Feminists.

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Integrity and accountability

We pledge honesty, transparency, and accountability at all levels, ensuring effective actions and maintaining openness in judgments and communication.

Embrace Learning and Innovation

We push boundaries and challenge the status quo.Our feminist spirit thrives on breaking molds and sparking change.


We embody this through empathy, sisterhood, and collaborative innovation, believing in the transformative power of collective action. We embrace the interconnectedness of struggles, recognizing that an individual's challenge is a collective one.

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Be Bold

Fueled by our bold feminist spirit, we dream big!

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We use intersectionality to analyze and address the combined oppressions affecting women and girls.This helps us understand how power systems interact to compound their oppression.


We wear our thinking caps outside the box in every project.

Women Empowered